"Let us run with endurance this race set before us..." This is one of my favorite verses because its easy to translate into everyday life. It takes endurance to survive parenthood. It takes faith to survive parenthood. Everyday there is something that challenges our faith and pushes us beyond the limit we thought existed. Jon has been working a lot lately leaving me to have some quality time with the kids. Allie is well into those glorious, terrible twos and is embracing them. No is the answer for everything...anytime she does something wrong, it's "Bent's" fault..."Bampa" is the only one she will talk to on FaceTime..the best place to take a nap is in "Bent's" crib with him so I can jump up and down and scream while he tries to sleep. I'm amazed at how creative a 2 year old can be and wonder if I can bottle that creative up and save it for when she is older and has a big girl job.
Each leg of this endurance-laden "race" we run, begins for me at 530 am. My "warm up" is drinking coffee, making the kids first sippy cups of medical formula, and watching 20-30 minutes of "I Love Lucy". I blink my eyes and its 830am and time to get to work. I told someone the other day how productive I felt before 8 am. I'm convinced that God made coffee to keep moms sane....or was that wine? Maybe an AM version and a PM version?
When I fall asleep at night, it is faith I end up turning to. I've made it through another day...my mind goes through its daily checklist. Brent is finally getting teeth so he isn't eating well. He hasn't hit his "phe" number in days. Allie, again, felt it was more important for Pepper to eat her Cheerios and goldfish instead of her...which apparently evens things out because she has been sneaking into the pantry and eating handfuls of dog food. I now know the "phe" value of dog food...not sure if I should be proud of that fact or embarrassed. I end up ending my prayers by thanking God for the faith he has in me and let Him know that I'm ready for anything else he throws at me...as long as I have coffee and wine...
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